
Contacter: Mr.ji
Phone: 139 5999 9203
Phone: 139 5999 9398
 Address: Lingshan Industrial Zone, tuzhai Town, Hui'an County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province
Keywords: Optional   Quanzhou quanchuang Intelligent        

Product introduction

Rated load:50Kg  Active radius: 2300mm  structural style:series connection  Number of axes:4  Repetition accuracy:土0.1mm

Maximum operating range:  

First axis:土180°  Second axis:士140°/-77°  Third axis:+75°/-184°  Fourth axis:土450°  

Maximum speed:

First axis:148°/sec  Second axis:148°/sec  Third axis:150°/sec  Fourth axis:360°/sec  


Installation mode:Horizontal installation

Applicable industry:Handling, loading and unloading, stacking

Ambient temperature: -20~80°C

Main application fields:Material handling, parts transmission, stacking, deburring and cutting

Remarks: Cartons need to be chamfered according to machine requirements




Quanzhou quanchuang Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd,Main Product Packaging line production line And other business,Interested customers please contact us,Phone:13959999203

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